Month: July 2020

Top 3 Anti-Rotation Core Exercises | Infographic

Anti-rotation trunk/core training for athletes is where we start with most people to establish a solid ability to stabilise through the lower spine/hip whilst rotating through the upper back (thoracic spine). Once our athletes have worked their way through the appropriate progressions here, we incorporate more rotational exercises that carryover to many sports. These include…
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Top 3 Anti-Extension Core Exercises

Trunk/core training for athletes is mainly about maintaining a neutral spine as opposed to excessive movement through the midsection. These are categorised into key movements we are aiming to resist including: Anti-extension (Sagittal plane)Anti-rotation (Transverse plane)Anti-lateral flexion (Frontal plane) This week we are focussing our top 3 anti-extension exercises!

Top 5 Exercises To Bulletproof Your Groin Muscles (Adductors)

The adductors or groin muscles are often forgotten about in many training programmes but they play a crucial role in various movements at the hip so athletes are able to create massive forces during athletic movements! It’s super important to balance a good level of mobility and strength in this area and here’s why: •…
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Top 5 Benefits of Youth S&C

We are SUPER passionate about Youth Strength and Conditioning (S&C) here at Go Performance!Here are our top 5 reasons why we think young athletes should be on a HIGH-QUALITY Youth S&C programme!

Top 3 mobility exercises for athletes

Having a good level of flexibility is often a desirable quality for many athletes and sports coaches. The term flexibility actually refers to the range of motion within a joint but we also need to be able to control that range of motion in order for it to be useful in sport. You may see a hypermobile…
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