Top 5 Exercises To Bulletproof Your Groin Muscles (Adductors)

Top 5 Exercises To Bulletproof Your Groin Muscles (Adductors)

The adductors or groin muscles are often forgotten about in many training programmes but they play a crucial role in various movements at the hip so athletes are able to create massive forces during athletic movements! It’s super important to balance a good level of mobility and strength in this area and here’s why:

• Adductors aid in hip extension, the cornerstone of athletic movements such as jumping!
• Adductors help to stabilise the hip during sprinting and change of direction/cutting enabling a more efficient movement (unless they’re weak!)
• Athletes often need to get into some crazy positions (just watch a pro tennis match to see how much mobility these guys need to pull off certain shots!)
• Adductors help to internally rotate the hips enabling powerful, rotational movements (think tennis and lacrosse)