Tag: Leeds strength and conditioning

Top 3 mobility exercises for athletes

Having a good level of flexibility is often a desirable quality for many athletes and sports coaches. The term flexibility actually refers to the range of motion within a joint but we also need to be able to control that range of motion in order for it to be useful in sport. You may see a hypermobile…
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Fitness for the youth athlete

This week, I am going to be talking about metabolic conditioning for young athletes which is what most people would refer to as fitness! To put it simply, we all have certain ways in which we produce energy for a given task. These ‘energy systems’ all work alongside one another but certain tasks can be…
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Build your work capacity!

In the current situation where most are unable to utilise traditional barbell training methods, we have to adapt and be a bit more creative with our training. So, I have put together a list of the dumbbell complexes or work capacity circuits we tend to use with some of our athletes in the off-season and…
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Smash your running PB with S&C!

Summary: Stronger and more resilient muscle and connective tissue through resistance training methods Enforces good posture and good positions for upright running technique Improve the stretch-shortening qualities of the tendons (lower body)  Improve running economy, faster ground reaction times Plyometric and resistance training are the most studied and beneficial A properly structured programme improves muscle…
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Youth Athletes – “Earn the right to progress!”

We strongly believe that our athletes have to EARN THE RIGHT TO PROGRESS which means that they must be able to perform a particular exercise with excellent technique and control before they are able to progress onto a more advanced version!! If this is not adhered to, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. Start with…
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The 24 hour athlete

So I first heard this phrase several years ago from a World renowned coach called Vern Gambetta. The basic idea was that an athlete might train for 1, 2, 5 + hours per day but what about the rest of the time? Are they effectively preparing for the next day or session? What methods can…
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